Monday, July 28, 2008


one of the most common complaints against me-'CANT U SIT STILL FOR SOMETIME?'.i really cant!i just love travelling!whether it is to far off lands or to the petti kadai next door,i just have to go out somewhere!i think learning to drive a car is the most sensible thing i have done since marrying!!i also love visiting new places and meeting people ive never met before!my husband loves travelling ,thank god for small favours!we are the happiest when we are walking around the kodai lake at the break of dawn!hmm!heavenly!i would like to knoe ur favourite places in earth!answers like home and husband's or wife's arms strictly prohibited!

1 comment:

Nila said...

Travelling lifts up ones spirits to a different plane!If it is a place already known..then the anticipation of all that you love to do out there would make you fly high...and if it is a new place ,then the expectation of all that you are gonna see and the thrill of discovering a new place and people and nature would make u buzz with glee!!Nothing to beat the divine bliss you feel ,driving a car ..listening to music on a cloudy day!!